de Apotheker / le Pharmacien
De Apotheker is an independent trimestrial magazine aimed exclusively at retail and hospital pharmacists. Background on current affairs is interspersed with interviews, opinion pieces, tailored information for the pharmacist as an entrepreneur,
and a large theme dossier on a health aspect about which the pharmacist can advise and assist his/her patients. The sections nutrition, dermatology, homeopathy/phytotherapy and veterinary complete the offer.
Key Facts
Target audience:
retail pharmacists hospital pharmacists stakeholders
8.740 copies
(4.940 NL –3.800 FR)
4 x per year + 1 special
(October: Luxury Special)
The website notifies retail and hospital pharmacists of breaking news in real time.
Moreover, a newsletter is mailed 3 times a month to all subscribers. The newsletter offers several current hot items as well as teasers of what will appear in the magazine.
Farmascoop is a newsletter that only contains your communication. This can be a formal announcement, a commercial message, a product launch, a new reimbursement, a product that was withdrawn from the market or is no longer in stock, etc. You determine the mailing date and time.
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