As a multimedia company Roularta HealthCare creates and distributes high-quality, independent and relevant content for the general public and for specific target groups. To this it links advanced marketing and advertising platforms for its partners.
Roularta HealthCare is market leader in the medical press segment. In addition to Artsenkrant/Le Journal du médecin, we also publish the Apotheker/le Pharmacien, Belgian Oncology & Hematology News (BOhN) and AK-Hospitals. Each title is specialised in a particular subdomain and keeps healthcare professionals up to date with the latest news in their field.
We are part of Roularta Media Group, a Belgian multimedia group, market leader in magazines (Dutch/French) (general news magazines, business magazines and sports weeklies, lifestyle magazines, medical and professional magazines), local media in Flanders (free local papers, Sunday papers, lifestyle magazines and internet marketing solutions) and business television.